
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The laws of aviation marriage...

As soon as your pilot departs for sights unseen (by you), that's when all the stuff happens that you wish he was there for... Like stupid roof-avalanches...

I know I've blogged about a roof-avalanche before, but I had another one today... The morning he leaves for work... Luckily, the snow-removal guys were transplanting one pile of snow to another so they don't block off the parking spaces to my building, and there was a guy outside of the track-hoe that had a snow shovel and he helped me to clear a path to my house... That was very nice of him...

Now, it wasn't nearly as bad as the original roof-avalanche, only about half of the amount of snow, but still made it difficult to get from my car to my door at lunch time to check on the dog after the chocolate eating fiasco...

And this is the day I decided to wear my cute boots with the 3-inch heels because they look great with my boot-leg jeans that I was wearing today... Maybe my unbelievable cuteness enticed the snow-man to help a damsel in distress... But probably not...

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