
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sad Sunday

Aaron went back to work today. I missed his call when he was checking in to say he made it on the flight from Anchorage to Bethel. I hope he isn't over-doing it today. Yesterday, we had so much activity that we were both worried that he would exacerbate his mouth issues.

As for yesterday, we got almost everything accomplished, except for cleaning the house, doing my schoolwork, and working on the PWC site. I'm glad it's a 3-day weekend so I have a little bit of time to work on stuff.

We got the tree down (and I have the scratches, cuts, and puncture wounds to prove it), but neither of us had the energy (let alone, a ladder) to put it back in the attic. I am going to do some cleaning/reorganizing of my office and it will come up here for a while. When he gets back home in February, he'll make arrangements for someone to assist him in putting the Christmas stuff in the attic.

I slept longer than I intended today (I try to get up by 9 on the weekends, so my work week isn't so fatiguing). But, I figured since I had to get up at 5:30 to take him to the airport, I could sleep in a little later. I am still really tired and may end up taking a nap later today. We'll see how I am then.

I still have a paper to write, so I better get on it. Hopefully, the research I did yesterday morning will make it easier for me to write so I can get to my other chores.


-SPW said...

Sad that hubby is gone, but at least you got some stuff done! More than I can say!

What is your paper on?

Jen said...

I have to take a position on capital punishment in the US and support my position with facts. Welcome to college... :)