When I work on the weekends, I take the stance of "I'll go in when I want"... I'm not scheduled to be there, and the bosses aren't ACTUALLY telling me that I HAVE to work, so they don't get to dictate when I'm there... If they said, "Jen, we need to you work on Saturday, at 8:00" that would be a different matter altogether.
I'm usually the one who says I have to work on Saturday/Sunday... I know that I won't be able to finish everything during the week, and I feel like I can get a lot more done on the weekends (you know, because there are no distractions, nor additions to my work load). I usually set aside all the "non-priority" tasks to Saturday, and try not to work more than 4 hours at a time on the weekends.
However, this doesn't usually happen...
Like, this weekend...
The biggest downside to taking a 3-week vacation is the sheer amount of work you see on your desk when you return. I am not exaggerating when I say that the stack of work on my desk was over a foot tall... Combined with the other "usual" tasks that I have to do, it was approx. 2 feet tall...
I returned to work 2 weeks ago, but hadn't even attempted to tackle "the stack" until this weekend. Why? Because I couldn't put in the extra hours (1-2) per day that I normally put in during that 2 week period.
So now, after working 6 hours yesterday, "the stack" has been tamed... I, however, am working again today to meet a deadline this week. This time, though, I am working from home. I decided that if I worked another 6 hours at the office today, I would be too tired to do anything when I got home (you know, necessary things like laundry, dishes, etc...). So I brought home everything I need to finish my project and will work on it in between loading/unloading the washer/dryer, dishwasher, scrubbing the toilet, etc...
Good luck to me... I forsee a nice long soak in my tub at the end of this day... So much for Sunday being the day of rest... ;)
Just stumbled upon your very delightful blog. Love the layout and enjoyed the content.
Hopefully the stack has dwindled back to normal by now... and I hope you got your relaxing soak, you definitely deserved it after all that!
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