
Saturday, June 26, 2010


My day has not exactly gone as planned. After a successful day at the library last week, I planned to go both today and tomorrow to work on a paper due for my science class. The library is only open for 5 hours each day on the weekend, so this is adequate time to focus on my schoolwork and come home to enjoy my evening (read: clean house)...

All was going well until I hit the research phase of my homework. I remembered to bring my laptop with me and so I connected to the library's WiFi... It was disappointing... First, the internet would not connect to my school website, where I would conduct the majority of my research through the school's library. Then, when trying to do research outside of the school's website, the pages loaded SO SLOWLY that it was massively counter productive. I finally gave up and came home after a little over an hour, where I have a secure internet connection and can access everything I need...

The downside? I have MANY distractions at home that usually prevent me from completing massive projects/assignments. I can't stand absolute silence (my mind wanders more in silence than it does any other time) so I usually have a movie or TV on for some background noise. In some instances, it serves to allow me to focus on my assignments... However, if I am not interested in my school work or I am stuck on something, movies/TV can be a distraction...(Also include the internet in this distraction... Facebook is addicting when I don't really want to do schoolwork and I am already connected to the internet anyway...)

Noni is another distraction. She feels that when I am home, that I need to play with her the entire time. She's get frustrated with me ignoring her and she'll go find her noisiest squeaky toy and squeak it incessantly.

When I am home, I find it hard to ignore the housework that needs to be done... Laundry piling up, a sink full of dishes, dust everywhere, etc... My mind wanders to these tasks regularly. If I do these chores before I do my homework, I don't usually have time to do homework, or I'm too tired to do anything else...

I need at least 2 clones of me... That way, one of "us" could focus on school work, one on housework/regular work, and one that just enjoys free time, playing with the dog, hanging out with the husband (when he's home) etc... The only way that would work, though is if all 3 of us rotated tasks so that one isn't getting bogged down in that particular task. We would have to have telepathy, though, so that we would know what the others are doing. That would be awesome!

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